湖北澳牌閥業有限公司,歡迎您! 今天(tiān)是:
< 盲闆閥、煤氣切斷閥、三(sān)杆閥類 >


  This valve is the reliable equipment to cut off gas medium in accord with GB6222 Industry Coal gas Safety Regulation. It is widely used in the pipe system in building material, glass, mining, power, light industry and papermaking departments. It is especially suitable for poison inflammable gas to be cut off or be the terminal blind plate of pipe in order to shorten maintenance time or connect new pipe system. 



Structure characteristic:


  The valve has the features of compact structure, endurance, reliable seal, flexible operation, easy to maintenance and long life. It can switch valve disc with pipe expansion, which will not affect pipe device. It is suitable in the condition of adjusting, cutting off and self-protecting quickly. The valve is used with rotating connecting axle screw or worm gear driving to form a complete set to realize open-close operation. It is the ideal equipment of switching seal.



Performance parameter:

公(gōng)稱壓力Nominal pressure (MPa) 


密(mì)封試驗壓力Seal test pressure(MPa)


強度試(shì)驗壓Strength test pressure(MPa)


适用溫度(dù)Suitable temperature

-10 -120

使用介質Suitable medium

空氣、煙氣、粉塵氣體等    Air, smoke, gas with powder etc

湖北澳(ào)牌閥業有限公司 版權所有 荊州百(bǎi)捷 技術支持

地址:荊州市沙市區十号路(lù) 咨詢熱線:0716-8878286